PA 66 (polyamide 66, nylon 66, nylon 6/6 o nylon 6,6)
Il PA66 obtained from the polymerization of hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid, is a technical thermoplastic material.
Compared to PA6, PA66 provides a superior rigidity but an inferior resilience.
Chemical Formula PA66: (C12H22N2O2)n
CAS Number PA66:32131-17-2
Chemical Name PA66 (IUPAC): Poly[imino(1,6-dioxohexamethylene) iminohexamethylene]
PA66 commercial names
and (PA66 producers)
- Ultramid A (BASF)
- Technyl A (Solvay)
- Zytel (DuPont)
- Vydyne (Ascend)
- Radilon A (Radici)
- Akulon S (DSM)
- Leona (Asahi Kasei)
- Nilamid (Celanese)
- Domamid PA66 (Domo)
- Durethan A (Lanxess)
- Badamid A (Bada)
- Torzen (Invista)
- Ravamid (Ravago)
PA66 European Distributors
- BIGLER (Radilon, Heramid, Vydyne)
- XIFA (LNP Starflam, Staramid)
- Schulman (Accucomp, Ferro Nylon, Fiberfil, Lucent, Matrixx, Schulamid,)
- Mega Polymers (Akulon, Badamid, Bergamid, Celstran, Durethan, Frianyl, Grilon, Kelon, Latamid, Maranyl, Minlon, Pentamid, Radiflam, Radilon, Schulamid, Technyl, Ultramid, Zytel)
- Tekuma (Niretan)
- KD Feddersen (Akroloy, Akromid, Celstran)
- PolyOne (Bergamid, Edgetek, Gravi-Tech, LubriOne, Minlon, Nylene, Nymax, OnForce, Stat-tech, Zytel)
- ALBIS (Alcom, Altech, Durethan, Ultramid, Latamid)
- Biesterfield (Zytel)
- Nexeo (ColorFast, Durethan, Electrafil, Fiberfil, HiFill, LNP Colorcomp, Plaslube, Rhelon, Ultramid)
- RESINEX (Akulon, Akulon Ultraflow, Ravamid, Technyl, Technyl Star)
- Ultrapolymers (Vydyne, Ultramid, Domamid, Econamid, Staramide, Starflam, Latimass, Latiohm, Latishield, Latistat, Latamid, Latigloss, Latigray, Latilub, Luvocom, Ravamid, Verton, Lubricom, Lubriloy, Stat-kon, Thermocomp)
- TER Plastics (Akulon, Technyl, TEREZ)
Main compounds PA66
- PA66 (nylon 66)
- PA66-I (nylon 66 impact modified)
- PA66-GF20 (nylon 66 fibre glass 20%)
- PA66-GF30 (nylon 66 fibre glass 30%)
- PA66-GF50 (nylon 66 fibre glass50%)
- PA66-FR (nylon 66 with flame retardant)
- PA66-MF30 (nylon 66 mineral filler 30%)
- PA66-GB30 (nylon 66 glass micro spheres 30%)
- PA66-CF30 (nylon 66 carbon fibre 30%)
Chemical and Physical Properties:
PA66 is a semi-crystalline-crystalline material which possesses one of the highest melting points among the available polyamides on the market.
Its qualities offer rigidity and consistency which are maintained at high temperatures
PA66 does not absorb moisture after moulding but retention is not high as with PA6. The absorption of moisture depends on the composition of the material, on the thickness of the sides and on environmental conditions. The quantity of moisture absorption affects properties and dimensionsal stability which should be taken into consideration for product design.
Various modifying agents can be added to improve the mechanical properties; glass is one of the most commonly used fillers. The addition of elastomers, for example EPDM or SBR, improves resilience.
PA66 is resistant to the majority of solvents, but not to oxidizing agents or strong acids
PA66 standard density: 1,14 g/cm3 (ISO 1183)
PA66 Melting point:260-290 °C
PA66 application markets
- Textile
- Automotive
- Electronic
- Construction
- Industrial Components
- Sport
PA66 transformation technologies
- Injection moulding
- Extrusion
- Blow Moulding
- Compounding
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Polymer List
Polimeri attualmente disponibili su PlasticFinder Wiki:
- ABS (Acrilonitrile Butadiene Stirene)
- Ecoallene
- HDPE (Polietilene ad alta densità)
- LDPE (Polietilene a bassa densità)
- PA6 (Poliammide 6, nylon 6)
- PA66 (Poliammide 66, nylon 6-6, nylon 6/6 o nylon 6,6)
- PA12 (Poliammide 12, nylon 12)
- PBT (Polibutilene Tereftalato)
- PC (Policarbonato)
- PET (Polietilen Tereftalato)
- PMMA (Polimetilmetacrilato)
- POM (Polimetilmetacrilato)
- PP (Polipropilene - Polipropene)
- PVC (Cloruro di Polivinile)