PlasticFinder Wiki
PlasticFinder Wiki is an online free content encyclopedia full of technical and commercial information connected to the world of polymers.
PlasticFinder Wiki represents the concept of "fast plastic", which comes from the Hawaiian term "wiki" (= fast).
PlasticFinder Wiki is developed thanks to the contribution of PlasticFinder users, if you are a producer or an European distributor write to the following mail address (ref. Wiki) to public for free your brand names, grades and geographical area.
The following information is published for each polymer:
- Chemical Formula – CAS Number – Chemical Name
- Commercial Names - producers - distributors – principle compounds
- Chemical and physical properties - density – melting point
- Application markets and transformation technologies
Currently Available Polymers:
- ABS (Acrilonitrile Butadiene Stirene)
- Ecoallene
- HDPE (Polietilene ad alta densità)
- LDPE (Polietilene a bassa densità)
- PA6 (Poliammide 6, nylon 6)
- PA66 (Poliammide 66, nylon 6-6, nylon 6/6 o nylon 6,6)
- PA12 (Poliammide 12, nylon 12)
- PBT (Polibutilene Tereftalato)
- PC (Policarbonato)
- PET (Polietilen Tereftalato)
- PMMA (Polimetilmetacrilato)
- POM (Polimetilmetacrilato)
- PP (Polipropilene - Polipropene)
- PVC (Cloruro di Polivinile)
Disclaimer: The content of this database was created on the basis of information from the public domain and is managed by PlasticFinder srl. The descriptions contained do not offer any guarantee of completeness, current relevance or accuracy. Any comments or additions can be sent to the following email addressl:
PlasticFinder s.r.l. does not check if the users have the right to access the products described in the product sheet, nor the ownership of intellectual property rights and is not responsible for any violation of third party rights.