PET (Polyethylene terephthalate)

Polyethylene terephthalate also known as PET or PETE is a thermoplastic polymer that belongs to the polyester family. It is formed from terephthalic acid and ethyl glycol via the poly-condensation reaction of monomers. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) has excellent chemical resistance and barrier properties, good solidity, rigidity, wear and abrasion resistance. At high temperatures PET is very sensitive to moisture.
Its crystallinity is enhanced by the addition of nucleating agents and crystal growth accelerators. Crystalline PET (40-50% crystallinity) has excellent mechanical properties and a high heat deformation temperature (comparable to PA6 and PBT), modulus and brilliance.
For this reason it is used in the automotive and engineering polymers sector.
Using low mold temperatures, with PET it is possible to obtain transparent moldings without fillers.
PET is the most widely used polymer in the bottling industry due to its transparency combined with its mechanical and gas barrier properties.
Chemical formula PET: (C10H8O4)n
CAS Number PET: 25038-59-9
Chemical Name PET (IUPAC): Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Recycling Code PET: number 1
Recycling Symbol PET:
PET commercial names and producers
- Arnite (DSM)
- Crastin (DuPont)
- Eastapak (Eastman)
- Impet (Celanese)
- Lighter (Equipolymers)
- Ramapet (Indorama Ventures)
- NeoPet (Neogroup)
- Papet (Lotte Chemical)
- Skygreen (SK chemicals)
- CR (Novapet)
- Kebater (Barlog)
- Kopet (Kolon)
- ParaStar (Eastman)
- Polyclear (Invista)
- Rynite (DuPont)
- Tecopet (Eurotec)
- Tritan (Eastar)
- Valox (Sabic)
PET Italian distributors
- SIRT (Skygreen, Indorama, Selenis)
- BIGLER (Polyclear)
- XIFA (Xylex)
- Schulman (Schuladur, Matrixx, Accucomp)
- Mega Polymers (Arnite, Durastar, Eastpak, Eastar, Impet, Petra, Rynite)
- PolyOne (Eastar, Rynite)
- ALBIS (Eastar, Ultradur, Makroblend, Pocan)
- Biesterfield (Rynite)
- Nexeo (hiFill, Petra, Pocan)
- RESINEX (Arnite, Impet, Lighter)
- Ultrapolymers (Luvocom, Valox, Papet, EcoGreen rPET, CumaPET)
- TER Plastics (Arnite A)
Main compound PET
- PET-GF15 (Polyethylene Terephthalate with 15% fibre glass)
- PET-GF30 (Polyethylene Terephthalate with 30% fibre glass)
- PET + chain extender (Polyethylene Terephthalate with chain extender agents)
- PET + Nucleating agents (Polyethylene Terephthalate with nucleating agents)
- PET/PBT (Blend of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polybutylene Terephthalate)
- PC/PET (Blend of Polyethylene Terephthalate with Polycarbonate)
Chemical e physical properties:
Drying is essential, before processing,. PET is very sensitive to hydrolysis. It is advised to keep the moisture content below 0.02%.
The value of the intrinsic viscosity for the PET resin is very important and analogous to the Melt Flow Index (MFI). In general, bottles made from PET have an intrinsic viscosity value IV of about 0.8 dl / g. Otherwise, food trays have a measurement of about 0.6 dl / g.
Today PET is one of the most processed and produced materials in the world. Almost all plastic bottles are produced in PET.
Today PET resin is also the most recycled plastic polymer of all. Thanks to its high mechanical and physical properties, it is in fact possible to reuse this resin to produce many other components.
PET standard density: 1,3 - 1,4 g/cm3 (ISO 1183)
PET melting point Tm: 245-265 °C
PET Glass Transition Temperature Tg: 70 - 80 °C
PET market applications
- Food containers (Food Contact)
- Bottles (Beverage)
- Automotive
- Electrical and electronic components
PP transformation technologies
- Injection molding
- Compression molding
- Extrusion
- Blow molding
History and Trivia PET:
PET was first announced in 1941 by Whinfield and Dickson.
PET fully represents the development and growth that the plastic world underwent around 1970. In the case of plastic bottles alone, in almost only 20 years, there has been a transition from a null market to 3 million tons of processed material.
Until 1960 it was considered a non-workable injection molding resin due to its high hygroscopicity and slow crystallization. However, towards the end of the 1960s, research on nucleating agents capable of resolving these difficulties allowed PET to become used for numerous applications.
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PET-G First choice - Virgin | SKYGREEN ECOZEN T110G | granule/pellet | Transparent | 4250 Kg | bigbag 1.000-1.100 kg | 5.06 €/Kg | |
PET First choice - Virgin | VINAPET G080A | granule/pellet | Natural / Neutral | 60000 Kg | bags on pallet | 1.60 €/Kg | |
PET First choice - Virgin | PET RESIN 31W56/W | granule/pellet | Natural / Neutral | 60000 Kg | bags on pallet | 1.60 €/Kg | |
PET First choice - Virgin | PET RESIN 31W56/W | granule/pellet | Natural / Neutral | 60000 Kg | bags on pallet | 1.60 €/Kg | |
PET Recycled SRM /Regrinded / Industrial By-Product / Industrial compound | PET MACINATO | regrinded | Green | 15000 Kg | bigbag 1.000-1.100 kg | 0.79 €/Kg | |
PET Recycled SRM /Regrinded / Industrial By-Product / Industrial compound | POLYMER - PET R-PET FLAKES RECYCLED /REGRINDED FLAKES- BROWN COLOR | flakes | Amber | 200000 Kg | bigbag 1.000-1.100 kg | 0.67 €/Kg | |
PET Recycled SRM /Regrinded / Industrial By-Product / Industrial compound | LASTRA MACINATA CLEAR PET/PE | regrinded | Transparent | 26000 Kg | jumbo bag 1.400-1500kg | 0.35 €/Kg | |
PET First choice - Virgin | NEOPET 80 | cylindrical granule/pellet | Transparent | 24000 Kg | bigbag 1.000-1.100 kg | 1.25 €/Kg | |
PET Recycled SRM /Regrinded / Industrial By-Product / Industrial compound | GRANULO REPRO VERDE | cylindrical granule/pellet | Green | 1200 Kg | bigbag 1.000-1.100 kg | 0.78 €/Kg | |
PET Recycled SRM /Regrinded / Industrial By-Product / Industrial compound | PET PREFORME | regrinded | transparent bluish | 75000 Kg | bags on pallet | 0.78 €/Kg | |
PET Recycled SRM /Regrinded / Industrial By-Product / Industrial compound | GRANULO REPRO VERDE | cylindrical granule/pellet | Green | 26000.0 Kg | bigbag 1.000-1.100 kg | 0.78 €/Kg | |
PET Recycled SRM /Regrinded / Industrial By-Product / Industrial compound | R-PET FLAKES | regrinded | transparent bluish | 22000 Kg | bigbag 1.000-1.100 kg | 1.12 €/Kg | |
PET Recycled SRM /Regrinded / Industrial By-Product / Industrial compound | R-PET PHOENIX | granule/pellet | Natural / Neutral | 4200 Kg | bigbag 1.000-1.100 kg | 1.45 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET-G SKYGREEN ECOZEN T110G | 4250 Kg | 5.06 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET VINAPET G080A | 60000 Kg | 1.60 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET PET RESIN 31W56/W | 60000 Kg | 1.60 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET PET RESIN 31W56/W | 60000 Kg | 1.60 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET PET MACINATO | 15000 Kg | 0.79 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET LASTRA MACINATA CLEAR PET/PE | 26000 Kg | 0.35 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET NEOPET 80 | 24000 Kg | 1.25 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET GRANULO REPRO VERDE | 1200 Kg | 0.78 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET PET PREFORME | 75000 Kg | 0.78 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET GRANULO REPRO VERDE | 26000.0 Kg | 0.78 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET R-PET FLAKES | 22000 Kg | 1.12 €/Kg | |
Polymer PET R-PET PHOENIX | 4200 Kg | 1.45 €/Kg | |
Polymer List
Polimeri attualmente disponibili su PlasticFinder Wiki:
- ABS (Acrilonitrile Butadiene Stirene)
- Ecoallene
- HDPE (Polietilene ad alta densità)
- LDPE (Polietilene a bassa densità)
- PA6 (Poliammide 6, nylon 6)
- PA66 (Poliammide 66, nylon 6-6, nylon 6/6 o nylon 6,6)
- PA12 (Poliammide 12, nylon 12)
- PBT (Polibutilene Tereftalato)
- PC (Policarbonato)
- PET (Polietilen Tereftalato)
- PMMA (Polimetilmetacrilato)
- POM (Polimetilmetacrilato)
- PP (Polipropilene - Polipropene)
- PVC (Cloruro di Polivinile)